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Hermeneutics and symbolism

Quran does not limit human experience with metaphor. It uses metaphor to expand his/her intellectual horizon but it uses real stories to limit the interpretation. Similarly the symbolism in Quran is not a mere metaphor. Every symbol has a reality but we are told by Allah ji to not try interpreting them in this world. The wisdom behind this is undoubtedly profound.

Human reality cannot be based on allusions to something which no human has ever experienced thus it has to be based on something which is experienceable . Practicable and implementable. Such is the reality of prophetic examples in all three monotheistic religions. 

It would be relevant to note here that lived experience is of vital importance but the lived experience of one individual cannot be generalised unless the creator and steerer of  all lived experiences chose that individual. That is why safeguarding the prophetic legacies and believing in the finality of prophet hood is vital today for those who choose to be on the right side of history.

We have a generation coming forward which is eloquent in this language of symbols. Call them brands. Call them labels. Call them banners. Call them what you may but its not in the name nor in the symbol their meaning lies. Its the lived experience behind those symbols which makes them powerful enough to communicate.

The symbol itself holds no significance if what makes up its meaning stands on a wobbly ground.

Isnt that a blessing?

Isnt it a blessing to know that God didnt leave meaning to human rationale or pure mysticism.

Isnt it a blessing that in our search for meaning he didnt guide us to give precedence to human rationale or human spirituality alone.

He made us build meaning through examples and the best example is that of the Prophets and then the Sahaba.

He didnt leave the meaning to be created. He gave us the key to a trail. A path.

That is why a return to rethinking our path to each discipline of knowledge cannot be reduced to a mere hermeneutic or symbolic interpretation of text. 

It has to be meaning build through following an example.

It cannot ignore the ordinary experiences of life and delve deep into a meaning which needs to be created. 

Meaning has to submit to the ordinary lived experience.

Meaning then is to be found in our pursuit of truth and honesty.

Between the courage to stand up for it and the humility to submit to none but Allah alone.

Saima Sher Fazal


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