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Showing posts with the label the road less taken

Reformative Minds

THE ROAD LESS TRAVELLED  If  the  stages of human civilization  throughout time  could be illustrated , an   arc  would  certainly do justice  to the expression of  volatility  in  human thought . An arc similar to a  pendulum’s  arc .  Humanity has, in  a continuous search fo r  balance, travelled back and forth from extremes and in this  journey  there  has always been  a  time when the  pendulum  of our existence on its way back from one extreme has bought  forth  minds ;   unique, progressive and visionary . Minds  who went on to b ecome the  greatest sources of reform and reconstruction throughout human  history. It’s  quite significant to note here that what sets these minds apart from an average mind of  their time is the  flexibility  of thought in dealing with t ruths, events and circumstance s . Being progressive  is  actually  more of an approach which makes human beings sift through all the lies and reveal the truth  in a way most pertinent to  that time.  An approach