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Showing posts with the label saving the family
Redefining empowerment for women Jaabir reported that the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)said: “The worshipper whom Allah, Most High, loves most is he who is most beneficial to his family”(Ahmed in Kitaab Uz Zuhad) The  international focus on women empowerment has made itself felt in Pakistan for quite some time now. One cant help but wonder that after a complete century of struggle for women rights, where does the woman actually stand?  A woman can vote now. She can be the CEO of a big company or the Prime Minister of a country. She can be a world class athlete, a top model, Miss Universe or a famous Actress. All these and much more. What now? In 1995 Hilary Clinton made a historical speech at the fourth world conference on women in Beijing, where she declared women rights were human rights and went on to assert that: “What we are learning around the world is that if women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their famili...