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Trials, Effect and Tauba!

Trials and tribulations are a part of every one's life. Life is not a fairy tale. Bad patches , difficulties are inevitable. A lot of people have different ways of dealing with trials. Some good some, some bad, some completely caught unaware! The ones in which a person gets farther from Allah ji are bad, the ones which make a person closer to Allah ji are good. It sounds quite simple but when a person is actually going through a difficult time it gets tough to understand. Its hard because during that suffering if the person has not strengthened his or her defenses before hand, the chance is that he will  fail and fall into depression, anxiety, frustration or stress. During these phases the ability to think or act sensibly in numbed. What then?


Yes, that’s it!

Prepare before hand. Strengthen your defenses when you are not in any of the aforementioned phases!

We know that Allah swt expects a momin to be well prepared. First of lets ponder upon this ayah from Surah Yasin(verse no 12) a little bit:

“Verily, we give life to the dead and we record that which they send before them and their traces and all things, we have recorded with numbers(as a record) in a clear book.”

The key words in this Ayah for us to understand effect are “which they send before them” and “their traces”.

We learn that not only does Allah ji record every thing we do but also what we send before us and the traces thus we learn that our words, our actions even a simple movement has an effect  that gets recorded because it causes an unalterable effect(trace). We leave our traces every where! These actions could be as small as taking a step or as big as committing a murder, as simple as smiling or as complicated as cheating and lying!. All our actions have an effect! Its vital to know how we cause effect and how far we can control these effects to bring about a desirable effect and stop or discontinue an undesirable effect if we want to prepare and strengthen ourselves.

When we make a victory sign or any other sign which indicates we are feeling happy, powerful or victorious emotionally we emit an aura or burst of kinetic energy that is so immense that it can be measured nowadays thanks to technology!

The reaction of one human being  has the force to effect the atmosphere in a hall full of people and sometimes even more. This alone is merely the physical power/effect of a human being. There are other effects like moral and social which last longer than the physical effects. These effects keep developing into other effects even long after we are gone. “The traces” indeed!

Allah ji knows them!

He records them!

He knows them and we don’t or rather don’t care enough to know!

Now that we know that we cause effects of varying magnitudes, How exactly does that help any of us with stress management in the times of trial or tribulation?

It does when we realize that this world is not a place for reward and punishment, it is but a place of trial and tests!

The magnitude of our trial is directly related to the magnitude of the effects we have caused throughout our life.

The trial is something which is from Allah ji but its kind has always something to do with the effects of our actions!

Allah ji says in surah al Mutaffafeen(verse no 14):

Nay! But on their hearts is the Ran(covering or rust of sins and evil deeds)which they used to earn.

Rusting of the heart has also been explained in ahadeeth. The point is the that the rust develops due to the effects of our own action and not something Allah ji wants, it is what we have earned for our selves.

This shows that Allah ji doesn’t want anything bad for us as he is not punishing us. He loves us and wants our actions to be worthy enough for his love. Our beloved Propher Muhammad (pbuh) once saw a woman searching for her infant baby after a battle. She would run and grab every other baby she saw and started feeding it. The Prophet (pbuh) asked the companions “do you think this woman would throw her child in fire if she found it?” the companions replied”ofcourse not, infact she would try her best to save it from the fire” then the Prophet replied, “your lord is more raheem than this mother when his men are concerned.”

How can a Rabb so loving want to make us suffer. He doesn’t want it but we often cause ourselves to suffer!

We need to

1.Have faith that whatever happens is from Allah ji.

2.That whatever he does he does for our own good.

3.He loves us and is not punishing us.

4.Focus why this is happening if Allah ji loves us?

5.Think and remember where we have gone wrong.

6. Focus on each and every aspect of our actions which could have had an effect to set the present trial in motion.

7. Have faith again!

8. Know that Allah ji sends trials to polish his men and women, to build their characters from where they are weak, not to punish them. He sends trials on those he loves the most!

9. Do astagfar. Yes, Astagfar puts a stop to bad effects and opens new ways for positive effects. It literally opens up avenues never thought of before,it eases the path of life!.Its vital!.

Touba is the beginning of realization. Realization that we are humans and we often commit acts which seem normal enough but have dangerous consequences and that we will be responsible for them sooner or later. To prevent such acts one should always do astaghfar and remain in contact with the book of Allah and as saaliheen so that he/she may not fall into the traps set by satan. The traps of depression and stress which render us useless and which is exactly what the satan wants. A useless human being unable to bring about positive effect! When one ponders over a trial and tries to focus on what is it that needs improvement, change, better focus or learning then the human character is polished and it is then that Allah ji shapes his gems into the most beautiful of creations. He being the Ahsan ul Khaleeqeen of the Ahsan e Taqweem. Subhan Allah!




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