The ‘Mullah’ and Us!:
Keeping the recent scenario in Focus there is a post circulating around on social media. It’s a quote by Ahmed Deedat a renown Muslim scholar from India. It states how an ‘ignorant Muslim’ is dangerous etc....
What’s really interesting is the presumption that maybe ‘we’ do not come under this label of an ‘ignorant Muslim’.
That maybe it takes a certain dress, a beard and a few violent demonstrations on the roads to prove that we are ‘ignorant muslims’ and ‘dangerous’!
Let’s compare our educated selves with this ‘ignorant Muslim’.
The ‘ignorant Muslim’ comes out in the streets and harms public property. While the educated Muslim sits inside well furnished homes and curses the ‘ignorant’ for disturbing his routine and peace.
The ‘ignorant Muslim’ is maybe a Qari, a vegetable vendor, a butcher, a mechanic so on so forth. While the educated Muslim is a doctor, an engineer, a designer, a teacher, a musician or a model/ actor maybe!
The ‘ignorant Muslim’ lies, backbites, is dishonest and full of hypocrisy. The ‘educated Muslim’ lies, backbites, is dishonest and full of hypocrisy!!!
The ‘ignorant Muslim’ wears his shalwar above his ankles. The educated Muslim wears her or his capris well above the ankle( somewhere near the knee)!
The ‘ignorant Muslim’ swears in punjabi!
The ‘educated Muslim’ swears in English!
The ‘ignorant Muslim’ uses ancient weapons for mass destruction( i.e sticks, swords, stones etc)
The ‘educated Muslim’ on the other hand uses extremely modern and sophisticated weapons for mass destruction( i.e, education, media, politics, power, privilege, war etc)
I can carry on with this interesting comparison and we might loose sight of the thin unseen margins that seperate the ‘ignorant’ from the ‘educated’ but what’s vital right now is to remind ourselves that
Ignorance is not merely a lack of knowledge, it is actually our insistence upon rigidity, conformity, intolerance, inflexibility and complete rejection and denial of the opposite!
It doesn’t take a degree to enlighten a human being.
It takes love and surrender!
Love for Allah, love for the Prophet ( Saw) and Love for humanity!
Let’s reflect upon ourselves too and ponder over our own ignorance and inability to please Allah ji.
Let’s not ‘other’ our own fellow Pakistanis by claiming to stand apart as better and different when in reality we all need to learn and better ourselves.
Let’s not merely question their love for the Prophet (Saw) but let’s prove ours as the educated lot to the world.
It is the educated lot which will be held responsible for the ignorant lot on the day of judgment. So let’s take responsibility and stop cursing and blaming like a victim.
Let’s do something about it.