On our way to holistic Communication for unity and integration :
Body language, words, images and sounds are the most basic modes of communication we use in daily life to interact with fellow human beings. Unfortunately modern technology has lessened our utilisation of these natural media and we rely more on artificial media which were merely supposed to facilitate and not replace the natural media.
Artificial because a picture or a video of an event, place or person is never free of a focus and is not the actual event, place or person! That focus is magnified by facilitating modern media taking the freedom of interpretation away from the receiver and ultimately putting it in the hands of those controlling the focus.
When these artificial media produce content for the masses its actually only a way to produce focus.
As McLuhan rightly pointed out that :
“The medium is the message”
We are fed with thoughts that might not have anything to do with our area of action. Disrupting our focus and creating unseen barriers between us and the immediate!
We are overwhelmed and concerned with events, places and people we have no direct contact or influence on. This creates a debilitating feeling of despair.
Similarly a false sense of artificial connection is born through imitation of images and videos fed by the artificial media. Wearing and speaking like a certain set of people becomes relevant to the whole world in the obvious while in reality there is no understanding or comprehension of geographical, political, cultural and religious differences.
What results is not actually integration and inclusion which should be the result of effective communication but rather exclusion and monopoly of a set of minds over the rest!
Secular regimes claim plurality and use these artificial media to spread their message but actually their medium defies the very essence of plurality by overriding differences and subconsciously training minds to conform or be rejected.
So does this facilitating media actually develop the human mind? Does it help the mind grow and understand better ?
Not necessarily!
What it does accomplish though is the reduction of the hurdles between the message and it’s response. Resulting in instant though temporary gratification of the senses but leaving an unseen void where the struggle and journey could have given birth to actual comprehension.
We have to question ourselves, does communication become more effective if the hurdles are removed or does it actually become superficial as the process to make the communication effective is skipped over?!
The human mind has been naturally created in a manner that it responds positively to challenges and hurdles.
Daniel Coyle quotes Robert Bjork chair of psychology UCLA in his book ‘The talent code” that:
“The reason,resides in the way our brains are built. "We tend to think of our memory as a tape recorder, but that's wrong," he said. "It's a living structure, a scaffold of nearly infinite size. The more we generate impulses, en- countering and overcoming difficulties, the more scaffolding we build. The more scaffolding we build, the faster we learn."
He further claims ,
"Things that appear to be obstacles turn out to be desirable in the long haul. One real encounter, even for a few seconds, is far more useful than several hundred observa- tions."
On the other hand the natural media actually comprehend and facilitate this nature of our mind.
Does this mean we rid our selves from the usage of modern artificial media?
No, it merely means that we use it to actually facilitate the natural holistic process of communication and recognise the prevalent structures of monopoly and influence so that resistance can be built against them.
Body language, words, images and sounds are the most basic modes of communication we use in daily life to interact with fellow human beings. Unfortunately modern technology has lessened our utilisation of these natural media and we rely more on artificial media which were merely supposed to facilitate and not replace the natural media.
Artificial because a picture or a video of an event, place or person is never free of a focus and is not the actual event, place or person! That focus is magnified by facilitating modern media taking the freedom of interpretation away from the receiver and ultimately putting it in the hands of those controlling the focus.
When these artificial media produce content for the masses its actually only a way to produce focus.
As McLuhan rightly pointed out that :
“The medium is the message”
We are fed with thoughts that might not have anything to do with our area of action. Disrupting our focus and creating unseen barriers between us and the immediate!
We are overwhelmed and concerned with events, places and people we have no direct contact or influence on. This creates a debilitating feeling of despair.
Similarly a false sense of artificial connection is born through imitation of images and videos fed by the artificial media. Wearing and speaking like a certain set of people becomes relevant to the whole world in the obvious while in reality there is no understanding or comprehension of geographical, political, cultural and religious differences.
What results is not actually integration and inclusion which should be the result of effective communication but rather exclusion and monopoly of a set of minds over the rest!
Secular regimes claim plurality and use these artificial media to spread their message but actually their medium defies the very essence of plurality by overriding differences and subconsciously training minds to conform or be rejected.
So does this facilitating media actually develop the human mind? Does it help the mind grow and understand better ?
Not necessarily!
What it does accomplish though is the reduction of the hurdles between the message and it’s response. Resulting in instant though temporary gratification of the senses but leaving an unseen void where the struggle and journey could have given birth to actual comprehension.
We have to question ourselves, does communication become more effective if the hurdles are removed or does it actually become superficial as the process to make the communication effective is skipped over?!
The human mind has been naturally created in a manner that it responds positively to challenges and hurdles.
Daniel Coyle quotes Robert Bjork chair of psychology UCLA in his book ‘The talent code” that:
“The reason,resides in the way our brains are built. "We tend to think of our memory as a tape recorder, but that's wrong," he said. "It's a living structure, a scaffold of nearly infinite size. The more we generate impulses, en- countering and overcoming difficulties, the more scaffolding we build. The more scaffolding we build, the faster we learn."
He further claims ,
"Things that appear to be obstacles turn out to be desirable in the long haul. One real encounter, even for a few seconds, is far more useful than several hundred observa- tions."
On the other hand the natural media actually comprehend and facilitate this nature of our mind.
Does this mean we rid our selves from the usage of modern artificial media?
No, it merely means that we use it to actually facilitate the natural holistic process of communication and recognise the prevalent structures of monopoly and influence so that resistance can be built against them.