The limitation and partiality of human kind is rationale enough to conclude that it is not the ability or belief of the ‘self’ which makes one successful but the lack of thereof and in its stead a strong belief in the ability, control and sovereignty of a God Almighty.
The consequent method then applied has in its basis a belief of the one and the whole and not of the partial or the limited.
If such is the basis of belief then the concept of self respect stemming from it will be based in a sense of duty and responsibility automatically making it easier for human beings to deal with limitations and hurdles. Giving birth to hope.
If the concept of self respect stems from a claim to be entitled or deserving then it can lead to nothing else but confusion, hurt and divisions.
Don’t believe in yourself, believe in God!
The restorer of all trusts , the source!
Self doubt is natural.
To be sure of ones self is un natural!
That’s something iblees did which resulted in his insistence on disobedience and he was thus cursed for eternity.
Let’s not insist on our right, let’s struggle to become eligible for that right lest we are replaced by someone more eligible.
Let’s make our peace with Allah’s will and our limitations.
Lets accept our dependence with humility on God!