Bias, partiality and modern science:
I don’t think we should fear partiality or biases, they are but a very natural ideological phenomenon. A human limitation and necessity to grapple with an ever changing dynamic reality. A human being is able to survive only because of this ability to limit and define his partiality.
It’s our inability to admit to our biases and the consequent ostracisation of our thinking patterns that becomes problematic.
The partiality an individual shows is actually quite necessary in defining that person, his culture and his society. A direct link to the very live and ever growing collective stream of thought a society is developing and has developed.
It’s not a linear phenomenon. It cannot be measured or read. It has to be seen and the only way to change the path a collective stream of thought has taken is to affect it collectively.
Individual biases give into collective biases losing their own shape.
The strength of an individual bias can actually shape the rest.
It’s interesting to notice that the modern scientific method claims to isolate human bias while in reality what it really only does is to ostracise some more than others and in turn intensifies the process of breaking up a collective stream of thought into independent components. It merely helps the individual bias to loose shape, in turn letting chaotic un productive biases become stronger shaping agents in a collective thought pattern.
So instead of shaping biases, experimental science actually divides and increases the number of biases.
Our partial thought processes are partial for a reason. The bias is to be moulded from within and not chiselled from without because In doing so (the later) we actually destroy the whole fabric of a very living collective thought process.
Moulding is a process within, which is actually an indicator of the growth of a society’s collective mindset.
Chaos, hatred and divisions didn’t just happen.
We make them happen.
We can make them change too!
I don’t think we should fear partiality or biases, they are but a very natural ideological phenomenon. A human limitation and necessity to grapple with an ever changing dynamic reality. A human being is able to survive only because of this ability to limit and define his partiality.
It’s our inability to admit to our biases and the consequent ostracisation of our thinking patterns that becomes problematic.
The partiality an individual shows is actually quite necessary in defining that person, his culture and his society. A direct link to the very live and ever growing collective stream of thought a society is developing and has developed.
It’s not a linear phenomenon. It cannot be measured or read. It has to be seen and the only way to change the path a collective stream of thought has taken is to affect it collectively.
Individual biases give into collective biases losing their own shape.
The strength of an individual bias can actually shape the rest.
It’s interesting to notice that the modern scientific method claims to isolate human bias while in reality what it really only does is to ostracise some more than others and in turn intensifies the process of breaking up a collective stream of thought into independent components. It merely helps the individual bias to loose shape, in turn letting chaotic un productive biases become stronger shaping agents in a collective thought pattern.
So instead of shaping biases, experimental science actually divides and increases the number of biases.
Our partial thought processes are partial for a reason. The bias is to be moulded from within and not chiselled from without because In doing so (the later) we actually destroy the whole fabric of a very living collective thought process.
Moulding is a process within, which is actually an indicator of the growth of a society’s collective mindset.
Chaos, hatred and divisions didn’t just happen.
We make them happen.
We can make them change too!