Anyone who has experienced a typical Pakistani wedding can understand why after a few days all different varieties of curries, rice, salads and desserts look and taste the same.
Anyone who has ever held a colour palette in his/her hand would know how all the colours loose their distinct identity once mixed with another colour.
Lately the variety of different intellectual opinions have done just that. To me all the distinctness and difference seems to have merged into a single live, pulsating being. All voices lost in the sound of the chorus.
It doesn't matter really how loud you say it or how good your voice is. It doesn't matter even how right it is.
The only thing that matters now is who succeeds in staying silent.
The voice of silence is often stronger than what we perceive.
The director in an orchestra is the Master and the master is silent.
Directing the voices.
The chorus has lost direction. It's becoming extremely chaotic. Too much mixing and too many choices are destroying beauty and harmony. Making everyone impatient, frustrated and at war within and without.
We need more directors. More people who have the stamina to stay silent and direct the chorus. Ofcourse that means giving up on ones own voice!