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The Dynamism of Islam The notion that Islam is inherently hostile to innovation is untrue because no system of living could possibly prevail or prosper for so many centuries if it was hostile to innovation. Throughout world history, civilizations unable to initiate or adapt to progressive change (whether it be ideological or technological) were destroyed by Nature and replaced by other more innovation-friendly civilizations. This universe and everything in it as we can clearly see is governed by divine laws. One of those laws deals with the rise and fall of civilizations. The sunnat of Allah (swt) has been made quite clear in the Holy Quran. He says: “And if Allah had not been repelling one set of people by means of another, the earth would have been filled with chaos. But Allah is bountiful to the world (and so repels chaos in this way)” (2:251) And in other place in the Holy Quran it is mentioned: “Had Allah (swt) not repelled one people by means of another people, monaste...

On the Concept of haya and hijab in Islam.

THE COAL MINE OR THE STAR STUDDED SKY:                                                                                                                        Every deen has an innate character. The character of islam is modesty.” Al Muwatta 47.9 The mania of emancipating the Pakistan woman from the “alleged restraints “of religion and custom seems to increase with every passing day. The solution it s...

Pakistan ka matlab kiya?

I am not really sure that i am patriotic. I cannot love Pakistan if it ceases to exist for what i have beleived it has stood for since my childhood. Yes, the same "Pakistan ka Matlab kya?, La illaha Il Lal Lallah". The reason is obvious i am a muslim and muslims everywhere regardless of geographical boundries are one nation. We might not declare ourselves to be or we might prefer our geographical boundaries but the reality is that when a muslim is killed in Afghanistan or Palistine we all feel pain. We are like a single entity like our prophet said. Being a muslim gives us a national identity unique and boundless. Islam does not discourage patriotism as long as its healthy and does not thrive on hatred or narcissim. A recent example "sab say pehlay Pakistan" slogan made popular by the Musharraf regime has remained with us even after the General was thrown out of the country. It started with Afghanistan and now recently i read it in an answer by a learned editor o...
Redefining empowerment for women Jaabir reported that the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)said: “The worshipper whom Allah, Most High, loves most is he who is most beneficial to his family”(Ahmed in Kitaab Uz Zuhad) The  international focus on women empowerment has made itself felt in Pakistan for quite some time now. One cant help but wonder that after a complete century of struggle for women rights, where does the woman actually stand?  A woman can vote now. She can be the CEO of a big company or the Prime Minister of a country. She can be a world class athlete, a top model, Miss Universe or a famous Actress. All these and much more. What now? In 1995 Hilary Clinton made a historical speech at the fourth world conference on women in Beijing, where she declared women rights were human rights and went on to assert that: “What we are learning around the world is that if women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their famili...

Parenting teens.

“O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a fire (hell) whose fuel is men and stones!(Surah At-Tahreem, verse no.6) Adolescence or more commonly known as the teens is that stage in a person’s life where he is in a state between puberty and adulthood. After the first two years in a child’s life, this is the only other stage where a significant growth spurt occurs. This in turn brings about a lot of physical and emotional changes in a child. At such a crucial point in his life, the child needs almost as much attention as he needs during the first two years of his life. The nature of the attention changes though. Unfortunately the problems start when most parents fail to realize this need of their child. The most common mistake most parents make is that they tend to reduce or sometimes completely let go the need to guide the child. According Dr Ron Taffel, a very prominent psychologist: “Even as kids reach adolescence, they need more than ever for us to watch over...

The truth unveiled!

VALENTINE’S DAY The truth unveiled 'Every deen has an innate character. The character of Islam is modesty.' Al Muwatta 47.9 HOW IT STARTED: Like most Christian festivals, the origin of Valentine’s Day also lies in the pagan Rome. In ancient Rome young men and women used to celebrate this festival where the women would write love letters and throw them in a huge pot. Then the men would choose their partners through lottery and would court (relationship before marriage) the girl whose letter came in their hands. (Webster’s family encyclopedia). According to the encyclopedia this festival has no direct or indirect link to the life of Saint Valentine (269 A.D). To make Christianity more popular and acceptable among the pagan masses, the Christian clergy added this festival to Christianity by celebrating this day as Saint Valentine’s Day. The myths regarding Saint Valentine giving his life for the sake of love and others are all false. WHERE DO WE ST...