Double double toil and ……?
The witches or should I say the wizards cauldron had been boiling for long now. It had to spill over.
A few important developments which got significantly ignored in the recent TLP spillover and Pakistan’s cricket win was a successful deal with the IMF,SJC power strip off over NAB chief allotment. Potion TLP it turns out was only as toxic as the govt wanted it to be. Just a whiff then a handshake. Probably brewed and stirred long ago. Shelved in waiting. Certainly doesn’t seem like a mature attempt to win over the opposition which could actually be a pleasant stretch for our stiff necks an unusual shift from their usual suffocating authoritarian tactics. The secrecy cloak sells therefore the drama! What actually ensues after such deals easily shrouds the facts , Poof we have a gallant hero walking out of the smoke with a handshake .
Applause from the supporters. Clappity clap. Gloomy predicaments about religious extremism from the critics and viola you have a perfect recipe for a dummy democracy.
Secrecy and religious extremism sells locally as well as globally. It’s just the image that counts right ?
Mirror Mirror on the wall who’s the gallant of them all?
IK ofcourse!
The End.
Saima Sher Fazal