'Cause and effect' is not easily comprehended unless we comprehend that a cause is also an effect of another cause.
There are causes and effects occurring simultaneously in this world creating parallel realities. We cannot comprehend all of them ever as Human logic/mind/ perception is but limited.
This is why Muslims are taught to have twakul( trust/ faith) in the eternal and the unseen wisdom/power of their lord. Which is beyond comprehension.
So whenever you feel overwhelmed by the reality around you. Embrace your deficient comprehension and say:
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
There is no power ( capable of encompassing, comprehending, encountering and overpowering all kinds of cause and effect) nor might save in Allah SWT.
There are causes and effects occurring simultaneously in this world creating parallel realities. We cannot comprehend all of them ever as Human logic/mind/ perception is but limited.
This is why Muslims are taught to have twakul( trust/ faith) in the eternal and the unseen wisdom/power of their lord. Which is beyond comprehension.
So whenever you feel overwhelmed by the reality around you. Embrace your deficient comprehension and say:
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
There is no power ( capable of encompassing, comprehending, encountering and overpowering all kinds of cause and effect) nor might save in Allah SWT.