Do not settle for less, foster Ehsan! Ehsan is to be mindful of Allah swt all the time according to the Hadeeth e Jibraeel.(As every thing we do is worship if we do it for him). When we smile at a person who might have hurt us for Allah's sake that is Ehsan. When we help someone and it is not fard then that is Ehsan. When we answer an accusation or a bad deed with a good one, that is Ehsan! When we return something we borrowed as soon as possible, that is Ehsan. That extra hour you put in above your duty to give it your best , that is ehsan ! The effort to beautify every simple action of daily life for the sake of Allah is Ehsan. Ehsan helps maintain the balance in society by eliminating the effects of evil. It is a fruit of Iman. Ehsan is what binds humanity and that is why Allah (SWT) loves the Mohseneen! #havefaith #surrender
THE COAL MINE OR THE STAR STUDDED SKY: Every deen has an innate character. The character of islam is modesty.” Al Muwatta 47.9 The mania of emancipating the Pakistan woman from the “alleged restraints “of religion and custom seems to increase with every passing day. The solution it s...