In this day and age the greatest dichotomy faced by the Muslim mind between ‘what is’ and ‘what should be’ has led the mind to doubt the viability of action. Action that is based on belief in the eternal to manage the affairs of the ephemeral. It is this very thought process which needs reformation. It is hard to translate something into action which is not prevalent or present in the society around us. The reason our beliefs do not translate into a solid presence is our inability to think the way we should. This hindrance is huge as it blinds us from a reality which can very much be. Such a reformation of the thought process which encourages faith and discourages doubt. Doubt has led us to the state we are in. We cannot have faith without dealing in faith and faith rejects doubt in its essence. To progress towards a more harmonious relationship between the two, it is vital at first to search for a safe place, a middle ground, the Sirat e mustaqeem...
"They tried to bury us they did not know we were seeds"