Dont "Beat me"! Pakistani women have responded quite strongly to the UN women 'beat me' campaign on the social media. Owning its problems and finding their solutions is the main characteristic of an empowered community. It doesn’t take others to make it realize what’s wrong with it and how to right that wrong. While the world wants Pakistani women to embrace their 'unbeatable' self. A significant section of Pakistani women can’t relate to this paradoxical innuendo; 'beat me'. This campaign like many others before it tries to break the stereotypes by showing women from different fields of life challenging men to beat them at their specific talent. The real questions that we need to ask ourselves are: why do we as women need to challenge men, why do we need to compete?. Is the notion of empowerment directly related to a showdown with men? Also how exactly will challenging men help an already violent, intolerant and polarized society? The underlying ...
"They tried to bury us they did not know we were seeds"