What’s so wrong with the modern skeptic is his adherence to a unique flexible rigidity. Weird?!. Paradoxical?! Exactly! His inability to actually break the barriers of logic which provide him with a very sharp, intelligent and often correct ( yet incomplete) view of this world and life are also a major cause of his addictive yet comfortable seclusion. Breaking barriers means being ready to get uncomfortable. Getting ready to be vulnerable. It takes a lot of guts to be inclusive. Not easy to walk the talk. Skepticism should teach one to question ones own comfort and choices. Weighing ones own limitations constantly against a universal criterion. Breaking the barriers also means being ready to learn. Learn to see the truth. Learn to accept our own limitations and learn to accept that we could be actually wrong. It also sometimes means to defy the most logical obvious reality in order to defy ones own self and surrender. It is this sort of skepticism that actually led Ibrahim (AS) ...
"They tried to bury us they did not know we were seeds"