Slandering spouses; our unspoken moral dilemmas! Living in Pakistan one can’t be neutral or in middle of something. We are a people who love going to extremes. Extravagance at weddings, cricket frenzy, religious extremists , secular extremists, feminist extremists and patriarchal extremists . You name it and we will have an extremist version available ! The institution of marriage is no exception to this attitude either! Our reliance on Allah subhana wa tallah as Human beings and then as spouses dwindles on our own desires. As long as it serves their desires, Muslim couples give their partner the benefit of doubt but the instant their own desire or insecurity is challenged regarding reliance on Allah and the bond of Nikah they are led to extremities in their attitudes. Muslim men and women both cherish their uptight self righteous stances on things they themselves usually don’t believe in nor have proof off. I am talking about how both normal and prevalent it has be...
"They tried to bury us they did not know we were seeds"